Strengthen Your Immune System Part 1

So it’s getting to be that time of year again! People are starting to sniffle and cough, but before you decide to go out and get any type of vaccinations this fall please promise me you will do some research. I know the medical world pushes them on us like they are the best thing since sliced bread…but here is a link to a great doctor who has some great information on vaccinations.

Why Winter is the “Cold & Flu” Season

There are quite a few reasons why people tend to get sick more easily during the “Cold & Flu” season. Understanding these reasons can help you avoid situations where your immune system will be compromised, causing you more prone to catching some bugs.


  • Most people spend a majority of their time indoors during the cold weather season. Enclosed environment and close proximity with others encourage the spread of germs.
  • High-sugar, high-fat “comfort foods” and holiday fares can weaken the immune system – sugar, in particular, can suppress immunity.
  • Stress caused by the holiday season induces the body to produce corticosteroids, which suppress the immune system.
  • Most people don’t get enough sleep during the holiday season, causing an increase in cortisol level and a decrease in immunity. Cortisol also makes us crave sugar, which suppresses immunity.
  • Shorter daylight hours can cause “winter blues” – low psychological states can suppress the immune system.
  • Dry weather reduces the moisture level of mucous membranes in the nasal passage, which are important in preventing unwanted bacteria and viruses from entering the respiratory system.

Nutrition for Strong Immune System

The best way to use nutrition to boost your immunity is to eat a balanced diet of fresh, whole foods. Sometimes it’s challenging to do so everyday, during the season when we are so busy with work, friends and family. The following are the nutrients that you should pay attention to (supplement when necessary) in order to help you keep your immune system healthy:


  • Vitamin A – helps maintain integrity of  the cell membrane of the digestive tract and respiratory system, preventing the entry of bacteria into the body
  • Vitamin B6 – enhances T-cell function
  • Vitamin B12 and folic acid – promote  proper T- and B-cell function
  • Vitamin B6, folic acid and zinc –  promote rapid production of immune cells
  • Vitamin C – a natural antihistamine, it helps  calm infection and control stress hormone cortisol, which weakens the      immune system
  • Zinc – supports immune cell production  and proper functioning of B- and T-cells. (Note: excess zinc can suppress      the ability of macrophages to destroy bacteria. Zinc is therefore useful for viral infection, but may not be suitable for bacterial infection.)
  • Antioxidants (A, C, E, zinc, selenium) –  help fight off infection


Holford, P. The New Optimum Nutrition Bible. Crossing Press, Berkley. 2004.


I will be posting part two soon, but I am also going to be holding a webinar and a workshop in October with more information on Cold and Flu prevention the natural way. Check me out on facebook to get the most up to date info and specials :



Women’s Expo

English: pink ribbon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

WOW!! What an amazing event this past weekend. We had such a great time at the Connecticut Women’s Expo. I met some incredible people who I look forward to working with. I also met some really great companies! I met Paul Marschall from Pink Pockets, this organization is amazing and their mission is just so great! I checked out their website as soon as I got home and fell in love with what they do. They are supporting women, men, families and friends of those who have or have Breast Cancer. They are selling products such as shirts with pink pockets and part of the proceeds go to support the cause. Not only are they selling products they have information for patients and survivors. Here is the website, I suggest you go check it out!

Another great company that is new to my area is Bona Clara, this is a great skin care product. I received a sample that is age specific, it doesn’t matter race, skin type or even gender. All products are based on age. But that’s not the only cool part. As you all know I am big on NON GMO and guess what, yes they actually advertise they are non gmo. This is awesome news for your skin! In fact they are not tested on animals, there are no parabens, its 100% fragrance free, gluten-free, sulfate free and GMO free. How amazing is that. I talked with a great women who knows her stuff, her name is Francesca Desforges you can check them out at

I hope you will enjoy these companies as much as me and give them some props for all their hard work. There were so many great companies at this even and I enjoyed meeting everyone.