It’s a Roller Coaster

I was thinking about this fitness journey and have decided that it really is more like a roller coaster in so many ways. Emotionally, physically and mentally there are many ups and downs and even steps backwards. I started my journey to the stage several years ago only to be derailed with several medical issues. It started with my gallbladder removal which put me out of the gym for several months and really put a damper on my goal. The following year I was met with more stomach trouble that brought me to the ER several times and got me one overnighter. Still no diagnosis…but more on that later. During that same year I started to get really, really exhausted and my body seemed to always be sore. I thought I was over working it at the gym so I started cutting back. I gave up my two nights of boxing but that didn’t seam to help. By August of 2013 I had stopped working out all together and things were getting worse. In November of 2013 after many, many tests I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. In previous posts I have mentioned how tough the next few months were. It was pretty awful. By January 2014 I was starting to get some energy back and I was heading back to the gym a few days a week trying not to over do it. The first time I did step ups my leg gave out and I landed on the floor ( I had femoral neuropathy from the lyme disease)! It was then I knew I was heading up a pretty steep hill to get my strength back. I found Cathy Savage Fitness 2 years prior but couldn’t keep my commitment due to the health issues. I decided it was time to try again.

Now fast forward several months and I am well on my way to the fitness stage! I changed my diet drastically and mainly eat Paleo along with Isagenix products to fuel my body. I haven’t had any ER visits or hospitalizations due to stomach trouble since I started this and I have been feeling amazing. Yes I have had some slip ups and I have missed some work outs. But overall I am moving forward.

Most recently my daughters health has come into question, there is a small mass on her neck that we are currently in the process of having diagnosed. It is most likely a thyroglossal duct cyst that will need to be removed. But as a mother of this precious small almost 8 year old I have been very emotional and have had lots of questions about my journey and what I am trying to do and why my daughter is having to go through this health issue. It took me about a week to get back on track with my workouts, eating and emotions! I am back, I put the deposit on my figure suit, I am working with a posing coach and I have a new drive.

Life is not always going to go as we plan, there are going to be some steep uphill’s, some blood rushing down hills and some very sharp turns. But that’s what living is and going with the flow is part of the fun. You can’t always fight what you are given sometimes you just need to make the best of it, hold on and have fun!

I have started a go fund me page for my journey to the stage. If you want to help out here is the link

Thank you all for your support and as always feel free to ask questions or leave comments. I love to hear from you.

Goals, Fitness and So much more!!

Ok so its been a while since I have posted. There has been so much going on! I am now a Consultant for Isagenix and I couldn’t be happier, I love sharing  this product with people. It has made such a difference in my life and how healthy I feel. I am also plugging away at my Health Coach Business, with lots of great things in the works. I have a webinar coming up June 17th at 6:30pm It is on how to Battle the Sugar Attack, If you have time Tuesday night please sign up there is some great information! I am also planning some workshops for later in the summer so stay tuned for that.


Now my journey….so I decided that 2014 was going to be an out of the box kind of year. What does that mean? It means I am taking it buy the horns and doing some stuff that scares me or something that I just wouldn’t normally do. As Cathy Savage says ” Trust the Process” I am taking that into consideration for everything I do in life. I started my journey this year with the decision to Compete in a Figure Competition, I am now about 10 weeks out excited and scared but I know that it is something I can do. I love having such an extreme goal to meet. I have been eating really good meals, hitting the gym at crazy hours to get it in and I feel on top of the world. I am now in the midst of posing practice, suit selection and just “Trusting the Process” I have an excellent coach and awesome team with Cathy Savage Fitness I am so excited to see what’s in store as this is just the beginning of my journey.

Next I went down some water slides on vacation…to some this might not seem like a big deal, but for people who have some Anxiety their brain starts going…kind of like this, what if my top comes off….what if everyone is watching me….oh my I’m so scared…I can’t do that. Well I shut it all up and had some fun. I went down the easiest of the two first and guess what non of the above happened I was just fine and I enjoyed it! So I decided to go down the enclosed slide. It was pitch black and some panic set in about getting to the bottom and I was shaking when I was done. But I felt great!!!

Next up was a Trampoline boot camp which I am going to be doing again every Saturday. It was an awesome experience and just  really fun time! I suggest you give it a try if you have a Flight Trampoline Park in your Area. And in July I am running my first mud run with Dirty Girl Mud Run. My competition is in August and I am going to just keep going with out of the box.

I have been working on establishing my business, I got really sick with Lyme Disease and that really knocked the wind out of my sail. But I got back up dusted myself off and am now going full steam ahead.

Once I compete I will post some before and after pictures on here. As always feel free to leave questions and comments. This Month I want you to try one think that scares, any one thing and let me know how you feel. I bet you wont be able to stop smiling after and you will feel on top of the world. Too often we live in fear of the what ifs…instead of just going for it!


Now a little rant…I don’t usually say anything but since when did it become everyone’s business why I eat chicken at 9 am or carry a large cooler around. Does it bother you that I bring my water bottle to meetings? If I walked in with a Donut and a coffee people wouldn’t look twice but throw in some healthy and its like I have two heads. Please respect the fact that I am working towards a goal and being healthy and fit is my lifestyle which I love. Don’t make it such a big deal that I carry my water around and I eat chicken at odd times of the day and I promise I wont make a big deal over your double mocha latte and two donuts 🙂 (Thank you I had to get that off my chest)

Have a great night! Keep plugging away at life and enjoy!